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Cob mini bale alternativebufflocp at bufflocp at telusplanet.netThu Mar 12 21:06:57 CST 1998
Hello, Pearl: I'd be happy to correspond with you regarding my stackwall building experiences if you like, but I think we should do it directly rather than in a "Cob" discussion group. My email address is <bufflocp at> As for your question regarding curing time for Cob walls: I probably rank at or near the bottom of any list of people who are qualified to answer that for you. I'm a newbe too. Now: Cordwood for a stackwall home is best cut in winter when the sap is down in order to reduce curing time to a minimum. Even at that, a full year of drying is best. Some impatient builders will, however, start sooner and just live with the shrinkage. Calking around logs will be necessary anyway as even well-cured wood will take on a little moisture from the mortar, then shrink back with time. And: Pine makes excellent wood for a stackwall building. Actually, any well-cured wood will do very well. If you'd rather not deplete your personal woodlot, there may be scrap long-ends and odd-shaped pieces available somewhere in your vicinity (one of my resources was timber that had been downed as a result of oil exploration; some other had been fire-killed). Ron At 02:39 PM 3/12/98 EST, you asked: > >* How long does cob have to cure before you can move in? I've read up to a >year - is this true? > >* How long does the wood have to dry for cordwood before you can use it in the >walls? > >* Can you use pine for cordwood? > >Thanks a bunch, > >Pearl > > >