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Cob available worker(s)Chuck Learned clearned at bminet.comMon Feb 2 14:16:07 CST 1998
Greetings, My family is in the planning stages of building a Natural Home. We are interested in helping somebody for a week or so on a project(s) that would reflect the skills and experience we need to develop. We would be open to one or more projects if the logistics would work out. This year is our time to search for land and work on the basic preliminary steps and next year will be our building time. That said we are available potentially any time this year for assisting you. Experience that I currently have is limited. As far as Natural Building. I did attend last years 5 day Natural Building Colloquim. I worked on the straw bale structure, the Cob structure, assisted with the earthen floor. I have been studiously reading the strawbale and cob building books. I have very basic carpentry experience. I will be attending the NE Natural Building Colloquim in June. I have also been studying and have attended demonstrations on cordwood construction and underground construction. The house we build we be energy independent and hopefully we will employ the Watson Wick for Septic. The house we will build will be a hybred to fit the land and resources of the Midwest. Sooooooooo given this, I/we are interested in getting our hands dirty and helping you out this year. Since all aspects from foundation to applying natural plasters and paints, to installing solar and wind applications, septics etc must be practiced we are open and interested in your ideas and projects. The most ideal situation is where our family could come together (My partner Linda and my seven year old homeschooled son). Linda is quick learner and a good folk singer. We can provide for our own lodging if need be and prepare our own meals. Simple and rustic living is expected. We are slowly trying to develop an intentional living community, we are flexible, take directions, do dishes etc. Save this message. Keep us in mind. We could be available as early as March and we will fly or drive to your site if the project is right. In Peace, Chuck Learned 608 423-3031 w8976 Ripley Rd. Cambridge WI 53523 clearned at