Rethink Your Life!
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Cob RE: Sustainability and straw

GENTH, APRIL alg5866 at
Wed Dec 3 16:59:55 CST 1997

        To the Bunns, the population debate isn't over yet.  Malthus' model
may have been out of wack due to effects of industrialism and today's
technology but there's still population growth (slower than previously, but
still growing).  Over time, the population will exceed carrying capacity and
whether famine or epidemics hit first, people will suffer because we relied
on technology to make the Earth bigger or to engineer our plants to jump
through hoops to avoid pests.  Cruelty and homicide is not the answer most
"humans" give for the population question; forethought and designing plans
for zero-population growth are possible answers (and they should be
compassionate plans with flexibility).  
