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Cob Re: cob community

Michael Blate michaelblate at
Fri Nov 28 11:29:41 CST 1997

Snothead?  Interesting.  Like Patrick, who's in mid-Georgia, I own some
property -- 73 acres (gorgeous, rolling, great views, woods,
open/cultivation, streams, etc.) in western North Carolina, just over
the border from SC.  I, too, had been planning a community -- yoga,
organic, vegan, alternative healing & maybe housing, etc. -- and felt
this was the perfect site.
   But not receiving the expected support from friends around the
country, I have (regretfully) put the property back on the market.  But
I'm open to a variety of possibilities, if you're in the market.  Good
luck and be well!
Michael Blate

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