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Cob ANNOUNCE: Agroforestry workshops in Hawai'iJohn Schinnerer jschinnerer at seattle.usweb.comWed Nov 26 12:13:05 CST 1997
Aloha, Just in case anyone's in a position to take advantage of any of these...repost/forward as you deem appropriate. John Schinnerer ------------------------------------------- Announcing a presentation and two workshops on the Big Island of Hawai'i: Making a Living from Agroforestry December 19 (Fri) 6 pm 'til closing At the Na'alehu theater, no charge Presentation by Michael Pilarski, including a slide show on agroforestry systems from around the world. December 20 (Sat) 10:00 am to 5:00 pm workshop At the Na'alehu theater Presenters: Michael Pilarski, John Valenzuela, Douglas Bullock DRY climates on Hawai'i will the focus Sponsored by the Ka'u Agro-Forestry Association Contact: Bob Jacobson, KAFA PO Box 727, Na'alehu, Hawai'i 96772 Tel:(808)966-8831 Email: jacobs at December 21 (Sun) 10:00 am to 5:00 pm workshop At Kalopa State Park (near Paauilo, Hamakua) Presenters: Michael Pilarski, Joseph Dalrymple, John Valenzuela, and Douglas Bullock WET climates on Hawai'i will be the focus Directions: Look for the signs just north of Paauilo. Kalopa Park is 3 miles above the main highway. We will meet at the pavilion. Sponsored by the Hamakua Guild of Agroforesters Contact: Howard Wright PO Box 11414, 106 Wainaku St. Hilo, Hawai'i 96721 Tel:(808)982-7133 Both full day workshops will provide an introduction to agroforestry and permaculture, and report on the recommendations from our Moloka'i permaculture course. Information will be presented on establishment, planting patterns, species selection and water management for each focus climate. Be prepared for a field trip or walk to look at trees and local landscapes. We will discuss many different kinds of agroforestry crops including: high-value timber, bamboo, mushrooms, medicinal herbs, seeds, lei material, essential oils, ornamentals, fiber, craftwood and more... Each workshop is $25, bring a lunch. John Valenzuela Permaculture Services PO Box 1280 Pahoa, Hawai'i 96778 USA message phone: (808)331-3049 e-mail: johnvalenzuela at