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Info on Cob cistern and Cob Swauna (sweat:sauna)

Vernon B. Johnston vajohnston at
Thu Oct 30 18:45:08 CST 1997



>You may be aware of this already, but it is the metal reinforcing that
>provides tensile strength, not the cement/mortar (concrete has high
>compressive strength, very low tensile strength).  I'd recommend >nice
heavy chicken wire or even light concrete reinforcing mesh to >be sure of
plenty of tensile strength - one piece with only one  (vertical) seam/joint
would be strongest.  By the way, how big is this >cistern

>John Schinnerer

>Vernon -
> thanks a lot for the information about using cob to build a cistern.
>and thanks for more reassurance about the use of cob in high->moisture
>environments (the sauna).
> what is the height of the cistern?
>lars fields
Thanks for the feedback on the cistern, as well as the swauna.  I will
incorporate the advice from John on using either a heavier mesh chicken wire
or a light weight metal lath reinforcing wire.  It makes good sense.

The size of my cistern is 8 feet in diameter.  I will go to the height of at
least 7 feet.   At (according to my calculations) 8 feet diameter that would
give me approximately 375 gallons of water per foot.  7ft in height X 375
gal = 2,625 gal of water.  That's a very workable amount for the household.
We get an average of 42" of rain per year here.   For every 1000 sq ft of
roof space that 1 inch of rain falls on that roof we get about 600 gallons
of water.
    If I need another tank for extra water for summer irrigation & storage
then I will add another tank.  In the meantime this will serve us well.  I
may add an additional small open tank in the green house.  This could be
used for soaking, watering, and fun... I borrowed this idea from The
EARTHSHIP people who this design in their rammed tire homes, but... with my
own modifications.
    There are several good references on Rainwater harvesting including a
book by Arnold Pacey and Adrian Cullis entitled "Rainwater Harvesting".
There is also a website or two that speaks of rainwater collection.

Lars,  I noticed that you are interested in methane digesters.  Are you also
interested in self-composting toilets.  Seems that I will build a satellite
composting toilet eventually.  Still not sure of the design.  Anyway, thanks
for the feedback and ideas.    Vernon