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Cob writing earth building codesRobert Bolman robtb at efn.orgWed Oct 22 22:21:47 CDT 1997
> here in New Zealand te committee that I chair is just finishing off a > massive task of writing very comprehensive earth building standards - > the first of their kind in hte world as far as I know. They mostly deal > with rammed earth, mud brick, and pressed earth brick, wiht a little on > poured earth, in-situ adobe and cob. They should be avalable for sale > early next year . If anyone is interested in finding out more about the > process of writing earth building codes (its taken us over 10 years) > please contact me - > > Graeme.North at Graeme, Thanks for your very interesting response to my post. Yes, I am very interested in finding out more about the process of writing earth building codes. In particular, the seizmic concerns which I'm told you New Zealanders share are of interest. Yours, Robert Bolman