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The Cob Builders Handbook by Becky Bee

Jlhighland at Jlhighland at
Thu Oct 9 19:22:34 CDT 1997

Greetings, cob heads.

I'm wondering if anyone has read both
Ms. Bee's text (The Cob Builders Handbook)
and Michael Smith's The Cobbers Companion.

I have The Cobbers Companion by Mr. Smith,
and know he thinks there's about a 75% overlap
between the two works.  Would someone who's
read both recommend that I buy Ms. Bee's Cob
Builders Handbook too??

My general thinking is that IF the additional
purchase helps me understand concepts better,
it's probably worth it.  However, it is $19.95
+ $4.00 p & h, so if someone can justify my
purchase I'd feel more serene about it.          :)

Thank you !


Joanie Highland McNiece
Colorado Springs
JLHighland at