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Cob GBlist: Low Cost Housing

Doug Patterson doug at
Mon Sep 8 14:14:17 CDT 1997

Don Bass asked me to forward this to the Cob list.

>>>To: greenbuilding at
>>>Subject: GBlist: Low Cost Housing
>>>MIME-Version: 1.0
>>>Sender: owner-greenbuilding at
>>>Precedence: bulk
>>>X-UIDL: aeb9fb9b95f86ec662403ddd0cbd1d89
>>>        I am new to your list, and this may be a little of the center for
>>>this list, but maybe not.
>>>        I work in the American Community College Movement where we have a
>>>huge challenge being handed to us--the assisting of helping move from
>>>welfare living to work living. As such we need breakthroughs in affordable
>>>housing (and transportation) for these citizens.
>>>        Can anyone here lead me to some innovation in building affordable
>>>shelter, housing that specifies what people must have, as opposed to
>>>buiding housing that only some people can afford.
>>>        Here are some of the specifications:
>>>        . Housing costs should be limited to $200.00 per month
>>>                (family),
>>>        . Energy efficient,
>>>        . Multiple families in a unit,
>>>        . Common (i.e. shared) spaces and use--courtyard, tool
>>>                storage,garden, bathing, laundry,
>>>        . Living spaces designed for basic functions--sleeping,
>>>                dining, recreation
>>>        . Proximity to municipal park and public transportation
>>>        . Shared telephone, cable, technology,
>>>        . Low maintenance,
>>>        . Environment-friendly,
>>>        . Multi-generational,
>>>        . Front-end financing,
>>>        . (Probably other specs that come from further collaboration)
>>>        I appreaciate any information/leads any of you might offer.
>>>Don Bass
>>>College of the Mainland
>>>Texas City, Texas