Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art

Cob straw bale construction

goshawk at goshawk at
Sun Aug 17 18:57:06 CDT 1997

> From:          M J Epko <duckchow at>

> 	This is kinda cool... useta be that people on the SB List would ask about
> cob, and now somebody from the Cob List is asking about SB. Awright.
You're  Right, and I was one of those folks that ask about cob, dang 
and now look at me! 
 Thought I'd throw in the magazine 
"The Last Straw journal
  P.O. Box 42000 
  Tucson, AZ  85733-2000
(520) 882-3848
it cost $28 a year (within US) and is published quarterly.

Well (changing the subject) I had hoped to have my vault up by this 
weekend. Unfortunately I pickup a cold (me and I NEVER get sick) and 
then the temperature  got up to around 97 so needless to say it 
slowed me down a bit. I've Still got about 20 wheel barrels of  earth 
left to pack and it should be done. I feel a bit like a kid waiting 
for Christmas. I may need to add a bit more buttressing. I mean I 
don't want this big event of dropping the form and seeing my pride 
and joy collapse. Boy wouldn't that go over good with the family.  
Anyway, once I get it complete (this week!) I'll  post the 
measurements. It's pretty big. (and the baby is SOLID.                
Pat and the Maukly crew

"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities, 
 but in the expert's there are few."
                                    Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind