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coblist: Non-member submission from [aumomtod at (Kanaka Makua)] (fwd)Shannon C. Dealy dealy at deatech.comThu May 22 15:26:52 CDT 1997
>From aumomtod at Thu May 22 12:43:01 1997 Date: Thu, 22 May 1997 09:44:49 -1000 To: erdman at (Bill L. Howes) From: aumomtod at (Kanaka Makua) Subject: Re: Kitchen Design Cc: coblist at, coblist at Aloha, Bill Howes sent your communications for my review 'cause he knows that I am having some success with my situation. As long as your homestead is situated with respect for the global & local conditions; you, I think, have it! Even as some Eastern guru may advise to eat your foods natural & uncooked without putting so much attention into your kitchen; I may add that while this may be part of an idealzed transition, we still have to go through the steps to get there. For my situation: I researched the lay-out from illustrations of ancient habitation sites of Hawai'i nei. The correct location; not too close to the shore & not too high on the steep slopes seems optimum. The habitation structures must be an intregal part of the site, surrounded by garden/Permaculture. Check out our Pupukea pg. & link to Hon. Star Bull. article. I am Bill's VP for the N.S. Country Market & the 'other guy' in the article. My geodesic dome (set up to be some analog of the planet, an 'earth ship', satisfies my navigator/warrior/priest(kahuna) sense of positioning & security [like a compass rose & a zodiac] has its kitchen & restroom w/ plumbing on the S. to S.W. (a pipe breaks & is fixed easily with out rotting the house on the sunny side). Kitchen on the down wind side has cooking odors &/or smoke blow out of the house. Natural light shows when food is its correct color in preparation/cooking. Also edible sprouts grow well in kitchen window. My electric range is free standing ( like a chemistry lab table ). No oven. A toaster or toaster-oven serves well w/ the capability of stove top roaster & cast iron ware for skillet (sautee) & caseroles/stews. Vegetable/herb garden [& compost pile fed from kitchen scraps] is on sunny side of the house & convenient to the kitchen. Cess pool & grey water (may be diverted to bananas) are down slope from plumbing in the house. All utilities are in an underground trench & down slope from my primary access road. House is as distant as possible from roads & surounded by trees that seclude from view of other houses & roads. Long driveway, of crushed coral (a nutralizing mineral) may seem expensive to construction cost estimates, yet has many long term benefits. Bird (chickens [some blue egg types] ducks & guinea fowl) range of 800' fenced in welded bally wire also encloses pond construction/ water retention/aquaculture site. Shade & margin plants for pond obtain. Companion planted crafts wood/nitrogen fixers compliment seed & annual/perennial greens/vegetables/grains for folks & utility animals. Please check out this site for x-tra info. >>Return-Path: <owner-coblist at> >>Sender: owner-coblist at >>From: Will Firstbrook WCB of BC <<coblist at> >>To: "coblist at" <coblist at> >>Subject: Re: Kitchen Design >>Date: Fri, 16 May 1997 16:09:00 -0700 >>Sender: owner-coblist at >>Precedence: bulk >>Reply-To: coblist >>X-UIDL: d678523b4ea7faa7db4d197b9c98ab90 My "sir name" is close to a Bible reference that I have; "Except it be corban, a gift" (to a temple) "not taxable by priest or king."