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News from Southern Africa (fwd)Shannon C. Dealy dealy at deatech.comTue Mar 4 13:25:49 CST 1997
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Tue, 4 Mar 1997 13:14:00 -0500 From: Jim Cornish <jcornish at> To: owner-coblist at Cc: jcornish at Subject: Re: News from Southern Africa -------------- next part -------------- Hello Cape Town, hello Rencia! I read your mail with much interest, two things in particular. 1) Regarding the "beautiful and natural people".... While I agree they are beautiful people, as we all are, I suspect that they are losing touch with reality as well as the earth, living in plastic baghouses and wanting Mercedes Benzes and swimming pools. Perhaps they're not as "natural" as they used to be? But then who am I to judge?! 2) The section from Bayes that you quoted was more than interesting, it was downright provocative. I would be grateful if you could "zap out the entire thing" to me. You might want to mail it directly to me at my personal address <jcornish at> to avoid cluttering a whole lot of mailboxes. Oh, by the way - while having to deal with a temporary financial setback, we are looking to build within the year. Haven't finalized the design yet, but will probably try to combine either a cob or strawbale structure on three sides with the south side providing both active and passive solar heat. Have you heard of anybody doing this? Has anybody else? If so, we could sure use some inputs. Thank you Rencia and thank all of you for some wonderful information and sources. A special thanks to deatech for making all this possible. Goodby for now, Jim Cornish, from Virginia, USA ;-)