Rethink Your Life!
Finance, health, lifestyle, environment, philosophy
The Work of Art and The Art of Work
Kiko Denzer on Art


goshawk at goshawk at
Sat Feb 8 16:08:48 CST 1997

> .
> I should say that my current version of my house forsees post and 
> bean construction with mud-brick infill - however if I knew more 
> about cob (and about the feasibility of persuading Council on its 
> merits) maybe I could do a cob house instead. (Reading about "Bear 
> Castle" in Victoria is encouraging - as Australians may know - a 
> century old two storey cob building).
> Please keep me posted on the plans for the workshop. Thanks.
> Lesley Sutherland
I don't understand why you want to do mud infill with post and beam?
Unless it is because of some government regulation or such nonsense.

I mean I really don't understand any advantage to be honest.

Cob is quite sufficient in holding it's own in IMHO.

Of course I'm using Nader Khalili's technique and using adobe filled 
sand bags to create adobe domes.

(I am still working on what I want to coat the thing with)
I mean cement sounds ....more water proof
pure adobe sounds...well more pure...
such decisions...
"If you don't have enouph madness in you, go and rehabilitate yourself" - Rumi