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daub vs. cobAndrew Alcorn aalcorn at Dec 6 17:10:18 CST 1996
The dictionary says "wattle" is a framework of timber and "daub" >refers to the mud/straw mix. > >So the question is concerning "daub" vs. "cob". Is it all the same or >not? > >Paul V. Your dictionary got it pretty right on wattle and daub. Cob, as your dictionary may tell you, is a process of building up a wall of earth 'cobs', i.e. hands full of earth/fibre mix (typically using straw as the fibre, but it could be horse hair or some other animal or plant fibre). The wall is trimmed smooth with a blade before it is fully dry. Presto, a cob wall. Andrew Alcorn Environmental Design Consultant, Heliotrope Design/Research, Secretary, Earth Building Association of New Zealand, Energy Researcher, Centre for Building Performance Research, School of Architecture, Victoria University of Wellington. PO Box 600, Wellington New Zealand, 6002 Tel: + 64 4 802 6243 Fax: + 64 4 802 6204