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cob in patio wallJanet Moore moore at usa.netSat Aug 31 21:56:47 CDT 1996
Thanks, M J, for the primer on cob construction. The only cob work I have seen is a low wall enclosing a patio-like outdoor seating area, at the Malachite Center near Gardner, CO. The wall is built on a foundation of tires left over from an abandoned experiment with that technology. It curves nicely and contains some seating niches and a small fireplace or two resembling the kind you see in adobe houses. I saw no surfacing applied to the cob; the straw is plainly visible. It would seem that cob has much potential for this freeform type of work. My question is, can a cob wall like this be adequately weatherproofed? There was a lot of talk in the SB list a while back about similar walls made of bales, and how difficult it would be to prevent moisture from getting into the top surface. Cob would be just as vulnerable, wouldn't it? Janet Janet Moore Chamisa Mapping PO Box 4, Beulah, CO 81023 moore at