Corvallis Area Natural BUILDers (CANBUILD)

If you visited our booth at da Vinci Days in Corvallis and wanted more information like you found there, here are some links which may be of interest:

Canbuild is a loosely connected group of people in the area of Corvallis, Oregon who are interested in natural building techniques. We don't formally exist as any form of legal entity and don't (currently) hold meetings. Mostly we just consist of an email list-serve which is used for announcements of interest to our members and discussion (though there hasn't been much interest in discussion lately).

Occasionally (once or twice a year), one or more people will do something like put together a booth at the local "da Vinci Days" festival.

You can join our email list here: Though the list is specific to the Corvallis area, anyone is welcome to join.